Orthopedic procedures involve treating your pet’s skeletal system and extremities including bones, joints, tendons, muscles, and ligaments. An orthopedic injury can affect your pet’s quality of life, so if you notice your pet has a slight limp, trouble getting up, is avoiding physical activities, or other signs of discomfort, they may be experiencing orthopedic issues.
We will work with you the explore the available treatment options and determine which one best meets your pet’s healthcare needs. In addition to surgical services, we provide canine rehabilitation services to help your pets accelerate their post-surgery recovery.
CCL Surgical Repair/TTA Procedure
A cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) rupture on a dog’s leg—what we would consider the knee—is the most common orthopedic injury in dogs, regardless of breed and size. Our preference for repairing this injury is the Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA) procedure. TTA is designed to surgically change the mechanics of the knee and return it to full function.
A TTA procedure involves separating the front part of the shin bone (tibia) from the rest of the bone, then inserting a spacer in between the two sections of bone. This moves the patellar ligament into better alignment. A titanium bone plate is then attached to hold the front section of the tibia to hold it in proper position.
TTA is less invasive than other CCL repair surgeries and benefits include:
- quick return to full weight-bearing (typically 1 – 3 weeks)
- low complication rates
- decreased progression of arthritis
- good prognosis for return to full athletic activity
It is also the only CCL repair procedure that uses titanium. This material is more biocompatible than stainless steel and reduces the risk of infection and rejection of the implants.
Lithotripsy For Orthopedic Diseases and Neurological Conditions
This treatment works by delivering a series of focused, high-pressure sound waves through the skin and soft tissue, which have been shown to:
- relieve pain
- prevent muscle atrophy
- increase strength
- improve joint mobility
- stimulate healing
This procedure can be very effective for hip dysplasia and lick granulomas but is also recommended for pets recovering from fracture repairs, spinal cord injuries, orthopedic surgery, or other conditions where the use of a limb is inhibited.
Have questions about our orthopedic services or want to make an appointment? Call us at 405-329-0181.